Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today I went to see the house that my Great-Grandmother lived in, which is located at 2 Chome 18-3 in Wakabayashi. The Japanese addressing system is quite unusual, they do not name minor streets, the addresses are broken up by districts. This address can essentially be translated to 2nd District, 18th block, 3rd house. Below is the address and name placard (which reads 'Akaogi') of the current resident:

Here is the town-block marker that indicates this is the 2nd district (chome) of Wakabayashi:

Below is Wakabayashi Station, which is part of one of the few remaining street car systems left in Tokyo. To get here from the center of Tokyo, you need to take the Tokyo Den-en-toshi Line from the Shibuya Station to the Sangen-Jaya Station where you can transfer to the Tokyu Setagaya Line. Wakabayashi Station is the second stop:

Here is a view from inside the street car:

Here is the entrance to the street:

Here are the pictures of the actual house:

Next door there is a shrine:

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